Violette1st Wikia


Violette wants to do a family night by watching Christmas movies on William's Xbox, because Andy wasn't at Thanksgiving dinner with them in LUCY TRIES TO STEAL THE PLAY BUTTON!!!. This triggers William's anger and fury, who won't allow them to watch Christmas movies on his Xbox because he says his Xbox is for video games and that he hates Christmas movies due to his lack of "Holiday Spirit". William says he brought the Xbox downstairs so he could play in the living room, and Andy says no because he wants to watch Christmas movies. But Violette tells William that he can play downstairs after they watch a couple movies. She then tells William and Andy that she will bring out popcorn. This however only makes William angrier, and he keeps saying that he does not want to watch "stupid" Christmas movies. He says that he needs at least 4 hours of Xbox a day, and that the movies will not be played, especially through the Xbox. William says that they keep playing the movies over and over again, and he already knows what is about to happen in them. Violette tells William that they will have to use his Xbox to watch the movies in good quality, and that he can't make the sacrifice for his family. William says that he is not watching movies once more, and Violette tells him about how he made Lucy upset on Thanksgiving and that he is acting like a child now. After some heated argument, William then unplugs the TV and goes upstairs. Violette then takes William's Xbox away, and she says he won't get it back until he plugs back in the TV. William then returns downstairs with a BB gun rifle, and he shoots the TV. An outraged Violette screams when she sees that William shot the TV and then William gets a pickaxe and smashes the screen off. Violette tells him that she had the TV for 10 years and forces him to take the TV outside. William then lays down on the TV and tries to take a nap, making Andy forcing William off the TV and makes him take it outside. William then tells them if they could at least help him get the TV out, but Andy and Violette tell him that they won't help him, especially since he destroyed it. William then takes the TV outside and goes back inside to get his Xbox, but Andy goes to stop him. He soon gets a hold of it and gives it to Violette, and she takes it outside and places the Xbox inside the TV. William rushes back outside to get his Xbox back, but Andy once again stops him. The video ends with Violette telling William that he's going to do chores to help her pay for a new TV.



Things Destroyed

  • 2004 CRT TV ($460.00 in Damage)



  • Violette gets enraged at William when he says a curse word, but this time she isn't furious at William in this video when William sarcastically said, "IT'S FRICKING CHRISTMAS!!!".
  • This is the second time William damaged a television by shooting it. The first being WILLIAM GOES PSYCHO AND SHOOTS UP AND STABS TV OVER XBOX!!!.
  • This is the second time William's BB rifle makes an appearance. The first being WILLIAM SAID SH*T!!!.
  • William references Scarface by saying “Say Hello to my little friend!”.
  • William destroys the television the same way Violette and Bill destroyed William's first Xbox in DAD SHOOTS SON'S XBOX!!!. In this video, William starts by shooting it once then hitting it with an axe and in DAD SHOOTS SON'S XBOX!!!, Bill shoots the Xbox once then Violette starts hitting it with an axe afterward.
  • This is the first video where Violette calls William "jerk."
  • At 1:17, William was talking about how the snowman enjoys Christmas so much. That snowman he means is Olaf from Frozen.
  • William says the television is 12 years old and the video was uploaded in 2016, so that means it was bought sometime around 2004. Rated TV-PG-LV
  • This video involves Christmas, but it was uploaded on November 27, 2016. That means, it would be too early for people to celebrate Christmas like that, but Violette and Andy wanted William to watch Christmas movies that day, because last year in 2015, Andy didn’t get to be with William and his family for Thanksgiving 2015 which was William Throws The Thanksgiving Turkey.